Judy Lamb

Foot Reflexology #01

What is Reflexology and how can it help you?

Reflexology is not new - it is a therapy which can trace its roots back to the Civilisations of ancient China and Egypt.

A vital energy, or life force, circulates between the organs of the body. If this energy becomes blocked, the part of the body relating to that blockage is affected. Reflexology can assist in the release of these blockages and the balancing of the system.

The feet and hands are like miniature maps of the whole body with the left side of the body being reflected in the left foot/hand and the right side of the body being reflected in the right foot/hand.

During a reflexology treatment the reflex areas on the feet, or hands if you prefer, are gently massaged by applying firm but gentle pressure with the thumbs and fingers. This can stimulate the self-healing powers of the body in various ways. Reflexology may

* Induce Deep Relaxation
* Improve Circulation
* Revitalize your Energy
* Assist Hormonal balance
* Promote the release of toxins

Reflexology assists in the treatment of many conditions, but is particularly helpful for:

* Stress Related Conditions
* Promoting a calm state of being during Pregnancy
* Back & Hip Discomfort and joint stiffness
* Easing back-ache and abdominal tension during later pregnancy.
* Muscular Aches & Pains
* Digestive Disorders
* Constipation
* Headaches & Migraines
* Hormonal Imbalances
* Infections (sinusitis, cystitis, etc.)
* Sleep disorders

Judy Lamb,
Eden Way, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3DU
E-mail: judy.lamb@gmail.com
Telephone: 020 8658 8646 / 07971 047087

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