Judy Lamb

Facial Reflexology #01

Facial Reflexology

Facial Reflexology is a deeply relaxing yet powerful therapy which is appropriate for all age groups and which has very few contraindications. It is therefore of great assistance in helping you to restore balance and calm. A relaxed body is more able to heal, combat disease and resist infection.

Facial Reflexology can be a wonderful alternative to foot reflexology during the first trimester of pregnancy.

What is Facial Reflexology?

Facial Reflexology, which is a completely separate therapy to traditional Foot/Hand Reflexology, is both ancient and new. 'Ancient' because it uses several ancient face charts, and 'new' because it is the first time these charts have been drawn together and combined with a modern understanding of neurological points on the face to form one therapeutic practice.

So Facial Reflexology is a combination of ancient Oriental wisdom, traditional South American facial reflex zones and a modern understanding of neuro anatomy. The methodology works through the meridians, the vascular and central nervous systems of the body. A Facial Reflexology treatment can assist in integrating and balancing the whole Being via the connections between the central nervous system and the meridians.

Facial reflexololgy, has been developed by Lone Sorensen Lopez over the last 26 years as a result of extensive research and trials .

Lone Sorensen is a Professor of Reflexology who has studied in Denmark, France, Chile and Germany. In recent years she has led a project in Denmark for the rehabilitation of patients with brain damage and it is through this work that her new concept has been evaluated and approved.

How can Facial Reflexology Help You?

During a Facial Reflexology session, neuro-vascular points, reflex zones, and certain neurological points are gently stimulated by hand, using only the finger-tips. This gentle stimulation is believed to send impulses through the central nervous system and the meridians to the physical body and the major organs. In addition it may assist blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and it may also assist hormonal balance.

Stimulation of the points and zones on the face may also trigger the release of endorphins (pleasure hormones) and serotonin (a chemical which promotes a calm and optimistic state of mind and which is instrumental in the treatment of conditions such as anxiety and depression).

Physical and emotional stress are now endemic within our modern society. This may be caused by problems in the workplace, unsatisfactory relationships, domestic situations, social pressures, unresolved emotional issues, environmental pollution or a generally unhealthy lifestyle and diet. It is now widely accepted that physical and emotional stress play a major role in the onset of disease so anything which assists with this can significantly improve your quality of life and general well-being.

In common with other complementary therapies, it is not claimed that Facial Reflexology will cure, but it has been found that quality of life may be significantly enhanced and it can assist in the treatment of many conditions, whether they are chronic, acute or minor, such as:

Anxiety and Stress
Joint pain
Diseases of the nervous system
Emotional difficulties
Mental Health Issues
Digestive problems
Learning difficulties
Skin problems
Hormonal imbalances
Sleep Disorders
Muscular aches and strains
Respiratory problems
Rehabilitation after illness and accidents
and many more …..

What is a treatment like?

An important part of your initial treatment is the taking of a detailed case history. This, together with information gathered during the first treatment, will be used as a basis for the preparation of your own personal treatment plan for subsequent sessions. Therefore, you should allow approximately 90 minutes for your first session. Subsequent treatments will take 50/60 minutes.

Facial Reflexology is a gentle non-invasive therapy. During your treatment you remain fully clothed and relax on a treatment couch.

Rosehip Oil is used for your Facial Reflexology treatment. Rosehip oil is derived from the seeds of the Rosehip fruit and naturally contains very high levels of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (EFAs). These essential fatty acids are thought to help skin tissue regeneration, increase skin elasticity and also have anti-bacterial properties. Rosehip Oil can be used on any skin type - sensitive, dry, oily or mature skin. It has several properties:

  • It helps relieve symptoms of eczema and dermatitis
  • It helps smooth wrinkles, helps reduce the visible signs of ageing
  • It may assist healing of minor burns and sunburn
  • It helps to heal scarring from acne, burns, laser surgery…
  • It helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks
  • It helps skin tissue regeneration and helps increase skin elasticity

    So an added bonus with Facial Reflexology is that the application of rosehip oil combined with the gentle stimulation of the facial tissue helps the regeneration of tissue and tones the muscles of the face thus helping to minimise lines and wrinkles!

    Judy Lamb,
    Eden Way, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3DU
    E-mail: judy.lamb@gmail.com
    Telephone: 020 8658 8646 / 07971 047087

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